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A Spider Woke Me Up Today

Who knew that the first blog I actually sit down to write after almost a month of silence, is about a fucking spider. This morning at about 3:20 am, I woke up to a tingling sensation on one arm. Naturally, I brushed at it furiously in the dark, and went right back to sleep after not seeing anything. But when it happened a second time on the opposite arm, I immediately believed the denied thought that a spider had been rummaging through my bed, and walking along my arms.

As soon as the truth hit my mind, I sat up quickly, turning on the light to catch the culprit. Now, I'm not one to ever try and kill spiders; I have the irrational fear that if I try, one will crawl out of the Kleenex, increases its size times ten, and bite me till I die of shock. It sounds absolutely ridiculous.

Long story short, I tried to get the cat to kill it but all he wanted to do was paw at it. It looked relatively petrified. I knew it wasn't dead, but was probably trying to keep as still as possible so it didn't get killed. Well, not that little eight legged demon is down the toilet.

My alarm this morning was set for 4:40am, which would give me fifteen minutes of laying in bed, and fifteen minutes to actually get ready for work. But by the time the spider incident was dealt with, I had only an hour until the alarm. So I decided to actually eat a TV breakfast; ya know, the cliche cereal and orange juice combo. Most everyone probably does that, so I should really just call it a normal breakfast. I also took the chance to finish watching a movie I'd started up last night (Call Me By Your Name).

I'd come to two realizations: I actually had to choose to adult at 3:35 am, and I started looking on the bright side of the situation rather than sulking about waking up super early, and having to deal with a spider at the crack of dawn.

Pros : Breakfast, Call Me By Your Name , up early for work so I can leave on time

Cons : Spider

- Sav

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