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"Starting Your Day Right" # 1 : June 12th, 2018

This morning has felt unbelievably refreshing. I got up on time, got dressed, did my make up, and even had breakfast; oddly enough, eating breakfast has been a foreign practice for about a year. Although, now that I'm finally graduated, I'm going to make it a healthy habit like it should've already been.

In reference to my June 11th, 2018 blog, "My Little Library In A Cardboard Box," I briefly talked about a devotional called Starting / Ending Your Day Right by Christian author, Joyce Meyer. I'd like to make a habit of reading this devotional every day and night, and it'll be a good and healthy blog journal to start up. I would like to note that this isn't, and won't be meant to "push" my religion on readers. I would like to share my own viewpoint and opinion of these devotionals, but also make light of the lessons and advice it brings in general. With that being said. . . . .

Today's morning devotional is titled, "Everyone Is Different." A Bible verse is written below it which reads :

Having gifts that differ according to the grace given us, let us use them. - Romans 12:6

This particular devotional talks about being happy with your own gifts and talents, without feeling badly for not being able to accomplish the same things as others. We all have our own particular strengths and weaknesses naturally, and we shouldn't be ashamed of that. "What God enables you to do is no more or less important than what He has called someone else to do." This can be reinterpreted for those that don't share the Christian faith, in that what anyone is capable of doing isn't meant to be more or less important; pretty straight forward.

Throughout the past four years, it has been a struggle to refrain from comparing myself to others; I know that this is a weakness many people share in our society today. In many instances it was related to academics, in how sometimes I wouldn't interpret a lesson correctly, I misheard a direction or assignment, or I just couldn't keep up sometimes. Other scenarios, I compare myself to other writers, and musicians. I begin to think that I'm no where as good a writer as those I look up to, but I know deep down that everyone starts somewhere. When I watch musicians play guitar, piano, or sing, I wish deep down that I could sound just as good; that I could be just as talented.

Honestly, I'm only eighteen years old. I have so much life to live, and so many more things to experience and learn. Improving yourself, and your own gifts doesn't just come naturally but it requires time, effort, and dedication. Just because you aren't at the same pace as others in life, or you go about your life decisions differently. does not make you any less of a person.

It does not make you any less HUMAN.

- Sav

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