Think Positive

When this Summer began, one of my best friends gave me good advice : to make a list everyday of every positive thing that takes place, no matter how small. I will admit that I've only done it once, but here's my second run through of it, even though this includes the majority of everything good thats happened since Summer began.
This spontaneous blog is just because I want to acknowledge some of the good things that have been happening. And this is also copy and pasted from my personal Facebook, so it's just plain and simple. 1. Moving to a smaller, more laid back town. 2. I've been able to write more often and set aside time for me. 3. I started a new instagram to advertise my blog and I currently have just over to followers in a matter of 11 days! 4. I'm able to dedicate more time to my blog. 5. I've been writing more poetry to where I could be close to putting a compilation together for a book! 6. Last night, due to submitting my own work, I was featured on an Instagram live stream which was planned by a poetry profile which promotes poetry by writers on Instagram! That was incredible! 7. BIG ONE. I was asked by one of my favorite poets to review his new book, as well as two others by him. So I'll be doing either three blogs to compare the three, or one large blog for a combined comparison. Either way, HUGE DEAL!!!! (I can't wait for you guys to see these blogs! I absolutely cannot wait to have the honor of writing them!) 8. I have the National Competition for FCCLA in Atlanta, Georgia in t-minus 8 days. So terrified but excited simultaneously!
FCCLA is a program which is essentially speech and debate for the Family Consumer Sciences Program. I took part in it this last year of high school, and was lucky enough to make it to Nationals from the State competition!
9. Feeling much healthier with myself. Of course, I've had a few down moments, but I'm working on appreciating the positive more so I can be happier. 10. I'm getting my next tattoo after I get back from the competition. It's incredibly special to me and I can't wait to get new ink. 11. I'm getting myself out there with my writing, and I look forward to taking the next year and a half to work, fall more in love with the person I am, and be happy above all! Good things are happening ❤