Daily Writing Prompt #1

Though I titled this blog with the word "daily," it is incredibly intimidating to me due to the fact that I so easily stray from attempts at establishing routines. But while grabbing more books to pack in my slow move, I found a notebook I got last Christmas which as "300 Writing Prompts" printed on the cover. While thinking that I wanted to start actually using it, I opening it to the first page which I had actually written on; I had completely forgotten I'd started anything in it. So here is the first of three-hundred prompt writes.
February 17th, 2018
Prompt : What is your favorite way to spend a lazy day?
"I'd like to say my lazy days consist of dog-eared books and tea,
Walking around the house bra-less without jeans,
My laptop on continuous charge due to productivity in writing.
No matter how simple that is to pull off,
My lazy days are not near as heavenly.
They instead are spent aimlessly watching Netflix,
Not eating breakfast,
Or lunch for that matter,
And torture me with writer's block.
The sunlight taunts me between the blinds,
Calling for me to do something active.
When Netflix asks if I'm still watching,
I wish I could be out and away from seclusion.
I wish I had the capability to be with my friends,
But no.
Instead I'm stuck without a vehicle,
A headache from too much screen time,
And alone with myself to embarrassingly entertain."